Bed Bugs and Summer Vacation – Bed Bug Prevention

I don’t know what has happened the last few days but customers calling about bed bugs has increased the last few days. I know a lot of them have been about how to protect yourself from them while traveling. Cheryl did a quick post on bed bug prevention a few days ago.  But to recap these are the key points for bed bug prevention

  1. Check out your hotel room before moving your stuff in. Lift up the bedspread and mattress. Look for bugs and or bug shells.
  2. Don’t put your stuff on the bed.
  3. If you feel something bite you or you see little red bite marks ask for another room
  4. When you get home unload your bags in the garage and put clothes in the washing machine.

Now what happens when you get home and find that despite your best bed bug prevention efforts you somehow brought them home from vacation. It is not an easy thing to deal with but it can be done. Early detection and fast action is the key.

Here is an article we wrote a few years ago before the bed bug problem became so big. Bed Bugs – Unwanted Guest Quickly Becoming a Major Pest It pretty much covers what you need to do if you do get them.

With all that being said, do not let the thought of bed bugs mess with your vacation. You have worked way too hard to let that happen. Just keep your eyes open.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause

The Allergy Store
800 771-2246


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Are You Bringing Bed Bugs Home With You?

The Summer travel season is upon us.  In my last post, I covered what to do when your kids are going to sleep away camp.  In closing, I mentioned that the camper’s bags and gear should stay in the garage until they can be  unpacked and inspected for bed bugs,. No one wants to bring bed bugs home with them.

There is usually a spike in bed bug infestations during the summer months as our population is more mobile.  The more we move around, the easier we make it for the bed bugs to move around with us.  You can pick up bed bugs from planes, trains, automobiles, and hotel rooms.  You want to make sure all you bring home are memories and some souvenirs but no hitchhikers.  I say bring home memories, don’t bring bed bugs home.

I have come up with a number of tips and tricks to make sure that no matter whether I travel to the high or the low places, I keep my home bed bug free.

Til Next Time!

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Avoiding Bed Bugs When You Travel

The bed bug conversation continues.  People are really concerned about avoiding bed bugs, especially when they travel.

I have been speaking to many people that are worried about avoiding bed bugs.  Cheryl has been taking a lot of calls lately about bed bugs too. The customers she has been talking to seem to be concerned about picking them up when they are traveling and staying in hotels. We compared notes and she put together a list of the things she does to keep bed bugs out of our house.

Read Avoiding Bed Bugs When You Travel.

By the way, bed bugs problems can happen in the finest hotels in the world.   Don’t think just because you are staying in 4 or 5 Star hotel they can’t have bugs.  Be sure to check your room thoroughly, the only way to avoid bed bugs is to be aware of bed bugs.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause

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