PrimaLoft Down Alternative Comforters

primaloft down alternative comforter is warm and stylish

We are pleased to announce that we have added the Primaloft Down Alternative Comforter manufactured by Downlite to the Allergy Store. If you love the feel and warmth of down but have allergies this is a comforter worth looking at.

Made in the USA these soft and comfortable “hotel comforters” can be machine washed and dried over and over for many years without
loosing that fluffy look.

You can can get all the details on the comforters here.

Wishing you the best of  health

Allergy Store – Helping customers since 1989

How to Avoid Pollen

For some time we have been discussing allergies and what causes an allergic reaction, the actual nature of the reaction, and the common allergens. Now it is time to put this knowledge to work at home.  If you have seasonal allergies you must know how to avoid pollen.

Avoiding different allergens requires different approaches. Some avoid pollen to reduce hayfeverstrategies require little to implement, others require an investment of time or money. Lets’ get started.

Steps to Avoid Pollen

Sadly complete avoidance of allergenic pollen or mold would means moving to a place where the offending substance does not grow and where it is not present in the air. Care to live in a bubble or on the moon?

But even this extreme solution would probably only offer temporary relief since a person who is sensitive to a specific pollen or mold may subsequently develop allergies to new allergens after repeated exposure.  For example, people allergic to ragweed may leave their ragweed-ridden communities and relocate to areas where ragweed does not grow, only to develop allergies to other weeds or even to grasses or trees in their new surroundings.

Because relocating is not a reliable solution, allergy specialists do not encourage this approach.  There are other ways to evade the offending pollen: remaining indoors in the morning, for example, when the outdoor pollen levels are highest. Sunny, windy days can be especially troublesome. If you must be outside on high pollen count days, then be aware that you are carrying pollen on your clothing and hair when you come inside. That means going straight to the bathroom to shower, wash your hair, and put on fresh clothing.  Do not put pollen-contaminated clothing in your bedroom, but take it directly to the laundry room or a laundry hamper that is not in the bedroom. 

Keep pets indoors too when pollen counts are high. Your pet’s fur will collect pollens when they are running around and then bring them inside where they will contaminate your living area. We know it is not practical to keep them in so you will need to brush out their fur when they come in.

If you must work outdoors during pollen season, wear a face mask designed to filter pollen out of the air and keep it from reaching your nasal passages.  If you don’t wear a pollen mask, re-read the section on nasal irrigation. You might want to invest in a neti pot or other nasal irrigation device to use when you come inside after being out on high pollen count days.

People who take their vacations at the height of the pollinating season should choose a location where exposure would be minimal. The seashore, for example, may be an effective retreat for many with pollen allergies so come on down to sunny South Florida and stay on the beach.

Till next time

The Allergy Store

Can You have a Dust Ruffle if You Have Allergies?

In my humble opinion, nothing makes a bed look more finished than a dust ruffle.  It’s just that little accessory that makes it bedroom set look complete.  Its like the bow tie on a tuxedo or the pocketbook carried by the Queen of England. But can you have a dust ruffle if you have allergies?

Its function, like a bedskirt, is to cover that awkward area from the bottom of the mattress to just above the floor. This covers your boxspring and also helps hide anything you may have hidden under the bed. It answers the question, “What do I do with the space not covered by my comforter?”

If you have dust mite allergies, the doctors will tell you that if you can’t cover it in a zippered allergy-proof cover or wash it in 140°F  water every week, it has no business on your bed.  Well, it is not practical for me to take my bed apart every 7 days just to get the dust ruffle off and in the wash.  There is no such thing as a dust ruffle cover, but my dust ruffle does have business on my bed.  It is there to look pretty!  It works hard making sure that my boxspring is modestly covered (who wants to show their boxspring??) It turns the area under my bed into the perfect hiding spot for my cat, Faith.  Faith thinks she is like a rare unicorn and cannot be gazed upon by human eyes.  She spends much time in hiding and a favorite spot is under the bed, but I digress.

you can have a dust ruffle if you have allergies

So, the dust ruffle stays, but the dust mite allergies must go!  My solution?  ADMS anti-allergen spray.  This is the same spray I used to use when I had carpeting in my room.  I just lightly mist the dust ruffle once a month with this solution and my dust ruffle can stay.  ADMS has many great uses.  What it does is denature (or break down) the proteins in the dust mite body and feces that cause me to have allergic reactions.  It also works on other household allergens like mold, pollen and yes even the allergens from hiding cats like Faith.  It is odorless and doesn’t stain. It is safe for all fabrics and almost all surfaces.  I use ADMS Anti-Allergen Spray on other things in my house, such as rugs, upholstered furniture and curtains.  It is great for many things…but when it comes to letting me keep my pretty dust ruffle, it is the best anti-allergen spray there is.  Yes, you can have a dust ruffle if you have allergies if you have ADMS.


Til Next Time!

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