Be Prepared – A Bee Sting Can Kill You

Did you know about 40 to 50 people die each year in the US from bee stings? Its not something I give much thought to but then I am not allergic to stinging insects. Last summer when one flew through the window and stung my hand while I was driving the only thing that came to mind was how much it hurt.

There are over 2 million people in this country that are allergic to insect stings/bites and for some, it really could lead to death. One sting or bite could cause them to have a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis shock) and if treated not immediately can be fatal. The most common insects that cause allergic reactions in people are bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, and fire ants. Fire ants are a real problem here in South Florida.

Since these bugs are more active in the spring and fall you should take a few precautions even if you are not allergic to them.

  • Wear closed-toe shoes when in the grass. Bees and some wasps will get get down in the grass where you don’t know they are there until you step on them.
  • Wear light-colored clothing. Not only will it keep you cooler but they are less attractive to flying insects.
  • Avoid using perfumes, scented lotions, and colognes before going outside. Insects are like people who smell good.
  • Be careful around wet areas when insects like to feed.
  • When gardening check in and around the bushes for insects before you start working. I know someone who sprays water on her bushes to make sure the bugs move.
  • Keep your EpiPen handy and if you know you are allergic to bug bites.

Prevention is always better than cure.

Wishing you the best of health

Mike Krause
The Allergy Store – Helping our customers since 1989
800 771-2246

Our Government and Healthy Housing

We were listening to the news the other day and heard a blurb about our government wanting to make sure we have healthy homes. Just now had the time to look into it and to be honest I personally think Washington has other thing to be concerned about.

“Establish healthy homes recommendations (homes should be dry, clean, pest-free, safe, contaminant-free, well-ventilated, and well-maintained and thermally controlled)”

When we owned the service company I saw first hand homes that were in need of some TLC. Some had water leaks, mold, bad insulation, poor ventilation, leaky windows and much worse in a few homes. Did some of these problems add to the customers allergy and asthma problems. I would say yes.

We have helped thousands of customers over the years improve their indoor environment. It is what we do and we are glad to do it. Should there be local, state and federal regulations to control it or make you do it. NO

Wishing you the best of health

Mike Krause
Allergy Store – Helping customer since 1989
800 771-2246

Extreme Allergy Control – Taking it Beyond the Limit

Talk about extreme allergy control! I was shocked to read today about a lady in Toronto that has asked her community to cut down the oak trees next to the school because her two children have nut allergies.
That’s right, nut allergies.  You can read the entire article here Mother Wants Trees Cut Down.
At first I thought there must be a mistake.  Why would you cut down oak trees because of nut allergies?  Unless your children think they are squirrels, they aren’t going to be eating the acorns.  Did she mistakenly believe that the acorns could be inhaled and make her children sick?  What kind of uninformed extreme allergy control measure could this be?
No, turns out not only does she know better, she is the head of the school’s Allergy Committee.  She is afraid that the acorns could be used to “bully and torment children”.  Bully and torment with acorns?  If this is her greatest fear, then she needs a serious reality check.
I’m a Mom.  I understand protecting your children.  Honestly, I tried to protect my kids even if I did let them drink out of the water hose and make mud pies.  I tried to protect them from real and present dangers.  Look both ways before you cross the street.  Swim in pairs.  Wear your helmet when you ride your bike.  Don’t take candy from strangers.  Don’t take candy from people you know unless it is chocolate and you are going to share with Mom.
My kids had allergies and I tried to control their exposure as much as possible.  Some people might think I used extreme allergy control measures because I had no carpeting in my home and ran air cleaners in each bedroom. But that doesn’t mean that I asked people to remove the carpeting from their house lest someone bully my child by rubbing their face in the carpet.
Let’s just be reasonable, shall we?
Til Next Time!