Don’t Let Your Pet be A Statistic Control Cat Allergy

The Santa Barbara Independent reports that the number 2 reason that cats are turned into shelters nationwide is  “allergies”.  They cite the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy as their source and say that the number one reason is “too many cats”, which sounds like a momma cat had kittens.

You can read the entire article here.  These cats lose their home because people don’t know how to control cat allergies.

It’s a shame.  Because allergies are cumulative, there are probably many other factors besides just the cat that caused the uncontrolled allergy.  The allergic person is probably allergic to dust mites, pollen, mold, or other household allergens.  The Humane Society reports that almost 1/3 of Americans live with a cat to which they are allergic.  Those are cat lovers that have learned to control cat allergies.

I believe it.  We help people every day live with pet allergy and their pets.  By simply keeping Miss Kitty out of the bedroom, you can greatly reduce your exposure to her allergens.  Weekly application of Allerpet/C is an easy way to reduce the allergens in the cat.

Allerpet is a great coat conditioner as well, so in addition to reducing allergens, it makes the fur soft and shiny.  It is not a cat allergy shampoo or a cat allergy spray, it is a liquid that is easy to apply with minimal indignity suffered by the cat.

Also, by running a HEPA air cleaner, you can reduce the level of all household allergens, including airborne pet allergens.  Same for frequently vacuuming or cleaning floors and dusting the furniture with damp cloths.  All of these steps help reduce allergens in the house, whether from pets or dust mites and as a result help you control cat allergy and dust mite allergies.

I’ll never forget when a friend asked me after a visit “Why do your house and air feel so clean?”  I just had to laugh and say “That’s because it is”.

I run multiple Austin Air HealthMates, a have no carpeting, and I don’t have lots of overstuffed furniture.  I do have lots of surfaces that are easy to wipe down and I don’t keep many dust catchers on the shelves.  It keeps down the allergens and housecleaning is pretty simple.  And face it, if something is easy, you are more likely to do it.  Right?

So, like peace, just give the kitty a chance.
Til Next Time!

Allergy Covers for Travel

Do you travel much for work or pleasure?  Do you worry about what’s lurking in that hotel bed?  If the answer to either question is “Yes” then you might want to invest in fitted dust mite-proof allergy covers for travel.  If you generally stay in a room with a king-size bed, get the king-size.  If you are a queen-size bed traveler, then the queen size is perfect for you.

These allergy covers for travel are made from a 50/50 blend of cotton and polyester fused to a waterproof, dust-mite-proof membrane.  Instead of the traditional zippered construction, these covers are made in the same fashion as a fitted sheet.  With elastic bands on the corners, these covers are easy to slip on and off the bed.  That is what makes them perfect for travel.

A fitted cover does not give you the same level of protection as a zippered cover, but it certainly gives you more protection than doing nothing.  They easily fold into a compact size so they don’t take up much room in the suitcase, another reason these are great allergy covers for travel.

If you are a frequent hotel guest, you might want to think about bringing your own cover.  That way no matter the “history” of the bed, you are protected.  And speaking of protection, women travelers need to be particularly alert.

Til next time!
The Allergy Store

Heat and Allergies – You Can be Allergic to Heat

Since the heat isn’t going to break anytime soon, I thought I would touch on the subject of heat and allergies.

Can you be allergic to the heat?  You can!

Cholinergic Urticaria is a type of rash or hives that is caused by an increase in body temperature.  The body temperature may be increased to to physical exertion, external heat exposure, emotional stress, or just eating spicy foods.  These hives are usually very small.  Smaller than a mosquito bite and more the size of a pin prick.  They can cover the face, torso, or legs and arms. They are more prone to appear where heat can be trapped next to the body as by clothing, the waistband of pants or underwear or the band of a hat.

It is difficult to properly diagnose this form of allergy.  Doctors can test using standard challenge tests or by exposing the body to heat. Treatment can be in the form of standard anti-histamines.  In some individuals, beta blockers can be used when the source cause is emotional stress.

This type of rash or skin allergy is not to be confused with heat rash.  Heat rash occurs when the sweat glands are clogged and the sweat can’t get to the surface of the skin.  Heat rash is not allergy-related.

As temperatures soar, grasses may start to release their pollens.  Pollens from grasses are very light-weight and are easily carried by the wind.  You might want to wear a dust mask for gardening (like the Q-Mask) if you are going to be outside on windy, dry days.

Trying to keep cool in the summer months can be tough.  But that’s why nature provides shade and cucumbers.  Did you know that the inside of a cucumber can be up to 20 degrees cooler than the outside temperature?  Cucumbers are mostly water, so eating a chilled cucumber can be refreshing.  They also contain anti-inflammatory agents. That is why they work to reduce swelling around the eyes.

I have written before about the benefits of cotton in the heat.  Sleep on cotton sheets and wear loose cotton clothing as much as possible.  This will allow sweat to evaporate, keeping the body cool and your temperature regulated.

Don’t loose your cool.  Come January and February you will be wishing for this heat!
Until next time