Tea Tree Oil – Dust Mites Don’t Care For It

Recently I read an article about Tea Tree Oil and it explains all of it’s benefits. For years we have sold a laundry De-Mite contains tea tree oiladditive, DeMite, that has Tea Tree Oil as one of its active ingredients and 1,000’s of our customers just love it. I know my wife washes our sheets every week with it. DeMite works great getting rid of the allergens from dust mites.

The article goes on to talk about using it as an earth friendly cleaner, athletes foot treatment, shampoo and deodorizer. We find anti fungal med either you like the smell, similar to eucalyptus, or you don’t. There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground when it comes to the aroma of Tea Tree Oil.

One of the things I found funny is the article speaks so highly of the Australian Tea Tree. Here in South Florida we call them Melaleuca trees.  The county, state, and federal government have  spent millions of dollars every year to get rid of them.  They are considered an invasive and a threat to the Everglades.  They have even released specific bugs to try to kill the trees.  There is a rich irony that bugs are being used to kill trees that produce an oil used to control bugs.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause
AllergyStore.com – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO
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Vitamin D and Asthma

Did you get your dose of vitamin D today?  If you have asthma, that is a question you should be asking.  An article published in the scientific journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) documented the relationship between Vitamin D and asthma that is not controlled.

Follow this link to read the complete article.

It is winter time so most people are spending more times indoors where it is warm.  Even in South Florida its a bit chilly today.   One of the things being outdoors and in the sun (besides keeping us warm) is that sunlight  helps our bodies produce vitamin D.

Vitamin D Benefits

Vitamin D is an important vitamin that is necessary for the human body and helps us stay healthy  Vitamin D gives us strong bones and aides in absorption of other nutrients. Short term exposure to sunshine on a regular basis and a healthy diet with plenty of vitamin D enriched foods such as milk and yogurt will usually provide an adequate amount of vitamin D.

If you have asthma, you may want to discuss this article with your doctor.  It might be time for you to explore the relationship between Vitamin D and asthma if your asthma is not well controlled.

Always discuss use of supplements with your allergist.

In the meantime stay warm and try to get some sun and your Vitamin D.

Wishing you the best of health

Mike Krause
AlleregyStore.com – Helping our customers since 1989
800 771-2246

©Copyright 1996-2013 AllergyStore.com™ All Rights Reserved

Crib Mattress Cover and SIDS – Can They Help?

A while back a customer called and had heard about SIDS and was wondering if a crib mattress cover was something they should consider getting. Could a cover prevent it? That is a tough question.

The cause of SIDS is unknown, although there are all sorts of theories.

Now some people believe it may be caused by the crib mattress. The general thought in regards to SIDS is that a newer mattress is more dangerous because they will have more chemicals off-gassing because it is new.

The truth is that all mattresses (except organic ones) are made with several chemicals, most notably fire retardants, that are not really healthy and that these chemicals off-gas during the life of the mattress.

Will a crib mattress cover help? I believe they will not hurt. A crib mattress that has been covered will reduce or eliminate the amount chemicals the baby will be exposed to. The mattress covers with the urethane membrane will do a better job of keep the chemicals contained. The other reason to use a mattress cover is they will help protect them from allergens such as dust mites as well as bed bugs. As I mentioned, some of the mattress are also waterproof and a dry baby is a happy baby.

Many doctors and researchers now believe that SIDS is not a single condition that is always caused by the same medical problems, but infant death caused by several different factors.

If you want more information on SIDS please check out the following sites

National Institutes of Health

American SIDS Institute

Kids Health

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause
AllergyStore.com – Since 1989

800 771-2246

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