Pollen – Little Particles Big Problems this Pollen Season

It is getting to be that time of year again.  Spring is in the air for much of the country and that means the beginning of pollen season.
Pollen Season Cycle
The pollen cycle usually begins with trees in the spring, transitions to grasses in the summer, and ends up with the ragweeds in the fall.
The pollens that cause allergy problems are carried by the wind.  They are the very light, white variety.  The plants with showy flowers and big yellow pollens are not the pollen problems.  Those plants use bees and insects to spread their pollens.  The real culprit is the plain, nondescript plant that is using the wind to spread its pollen.
Pollen Season Masks
We carry several masks and this time of year we get lots of calls about which one will work best for pollen.  Pollen is pretty large, as far as small particles go.  Wind-borne pollens can range from 30 to 200 microns.
If you want a great mask for wearing while working in the yard, the U2 Sports Mask is great.  It will stand up to rigorous activity and filters particles as small as 18 microns.  That is more than enough for particles.
If you want a mask that is re-usable and light-weight, you might want the Q-Mask.  It uses the same filtering media as the U2, but is a lighter design.  It also stops particles as small as 18 microns.  If you have pollen allergies, try to stay indoors in the early morning and early evening.  This is when pollen counts are the highest. Of course, when you come inside it is best to shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes.  Those light-weight pollens will hitch a ride inside if you aren’t careful.

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Does Your Pet Have Pet Food Allergies?

Did you ever think some of your pet’s ailments may be related to the food you are feeding them?  Pets have food allergies just like people.  Pet food is big business, in 2010 we spent 18.7 billion dollars to feed our pets.  I didn’t personally spend that entire amount  but it did feel like a lot.  No matter what you spend, your pets symptoms may be a result of pet food allergies

With that much money involved competition is fierce among the various manufacturers of pet food.  So,  you can imagine that quality and good nutrition may not be at the top of the list for some companies.

There are regulations for the production of pet food.

“The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) requires that all animal foods, like human foods, be safe to eat, produced under sanitary conditions, contain no harmful substances, and be truthfully labeled.” Read Regulations

But just like the food we eat, you need to read the labels carefully when you are deciding what you want to get “Miss Kitty” to eat this week.  Make sure you know what “meat-and-bone meal” and “by-products” on the outside of the bag actually mean. We stay away from products with artificial colors or flavors, corn (cheap filler), wheat gluten, meal, byproducts and other cheap fillers.

When times are hard we all try to find ways to cut back on expenses, just don’t do it with the pets. A trip to the vet is not any cheaper that a visit to the doctor.  Any cheap pet food may result in pet food allergies.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause

AllergyStore.com – Serving our customers since 1989
800 771-2246

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Vapamore is Amore to my Floors!

Before we carry any new product, we rigorously test it.  The Vapamore Steam Cleaner was no exception.  During our testing, we discovered that the things it did well, it did REALLY well.  The things it did not so well, it did an OK job on.  The things it did poorly, it didn’t do at all.

I was so pleased to find out that one of the things it does really really really well are my tile floors.  Over the years I have used many things on my ceramic tile floors.  Most of them created streaks and all but a few required extensive rinsing.  Because I have so much white ceramic tile in my home, cleaning was an undertaking. For the last several years, what I found best was the vacuum the loose dust with my Miele Vacuum Cleaner and then mop with a dilute solution of water and M-1 House Wash.  When someone was sick, I mopped with water and Vital Oxide.

When testing the Vapamore Steam Cleaner, I was delighted to find out how well it worked on my tile floors.  At first, it seemed like an added chore to fill the steamer and wait for it to get hot. But I finally figured out that if I got the steamer ready first and then vacuumed, by the time I was through vacuuming, the Vapamore was ready.  Now I find it takes no more time than mopping….and I never need to rinse…and nothing feels better under your feet than a floor that has been steam cleaned!  See for yourself

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