Why Do Allergies Occur – Allergies – Why Me?

Customer called up and told me she has never been allergic to anything in her life and now all of a sudden she is allergic to dust mites. “Why do allergies occur and why me?” were her two questions.

First of all she really should be asking her doctor that question when she received the diagnosis.  Don’t be afraid to talk to you doctor and ask questions.  Why do allergies occur is a legitimate question.

Years ago when I was 14 or 15 I got really sick after eating some watermelon. My face was so swollen  I had a hard time seeing and breathing was not easy. Mom took me to the doctor.  He said I was allergic to melons. Of course Mom told him no way, because I had been eating them all my life and never had a problem. He went on to tell us sometimes allergic reactions just happen for no reason. I did not believe him, thought it was just a bad watermelon, so I ate some more.  I had the same reaction.

Our body and our immune system change as we age. Being exposed to certain things, mold for example, can cause our immune system to react differently. In “Flourishing with Food Allergies” they discuss something called the toxic load theory where your body gets overloaded with too much of a certain thing or a combination of several things at one time. Oh, and let’s not forget stress. Stress affects sleep, and loss of sleep affects the immune system.

Sometimes bad things just happen to good people. By the way, I still try a little piece of watermelon once a year to see if the allergy has gone away. Not yet but I am still hoping.


Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause
AllergyStore.com – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO

©Copyright 1996-2013 Cee DeeKay,Inc dba AllergyStore.com™ All Rights Reserved

Allergies … Why Me?

A customer called up and told me she has never been allergic to anything in her life and now all of a sudden she is allergic to dust mites. Why?

First of all, she really should be asking her doctor that question.

Years ago when I was 14 or 15 I got really sick after eating some watermelon. My face puffed up so much that I had a hard time seeing and breathing was not easy. Mom took me to the doctor and he said I was allergic to melons.

Of course, Mom told him no way because I had been eating them all my life and never had a problem. He went on to tell us sometimes allergic reactions just happen for no reason. I did not believe him, thought it was just a bad watermelon, so I ate some more. Same reaction….

Our bodies and immune system changes as we age. Being exposed to certain things, mold, for example, can cause our immune system to react differently. In “Flourishing with Food Allergies ” they discuss something called toxic load theory where your body gets overloaded with too much of a certain thing or a combination of several things at one time.

Oh, and let’s not forget stress. Stress affects sleep, and loss of sleep affects the immune system.

Sometimes bad things just happen to good people. By the way, I still try a little piece of watermelon once a year to see if the allergy has gone away. Not yet but I am still hoping.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause

AllergyStore.com – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO

Record Snow and Rain .. Perfect Allergy Storm

Be prepared for a worse than normal allergy season. The record snowfall followed by very early and heavy rains have got the tree and grass pollens flying. In North Carolina last week we were told by several people they have not seen the grass grow the way it is right now in years. It is like it was just waiting for the hard winter to be over. The trees and flowers were in full bloom even at 4,000 ft. So pretty but so bad for allergy sufferers.
With that being said there is no reason to suffer. Don”t forget to wear your dust or pollen mask when doing the yard work, put clean clothes on when you go inside and take your medication.
Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause
AllergyStore.com – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO

©Copyright 1996-2013 Cee DeeKay,Inc dba AllergyStore.com™ All Rights Reserved