Best Air Purifiers For Mold and Mildew in Flooded Spaces

We have been getting a lot of calls the past couple of weeks from people in the north east about flooded rooms, basements and what air purifiers work best for mold and mildew. Unfortunately I am sure we will be getting calls from people in Tennessee who have been affected by all the flooding with the same questions.

For situations where mold and other microorganisms are the issue we recommend the AirPura P600 air purifier . This air purifier combines leading edge technology, photo-catalytic oxidation, with germicidal UV and High Efficiency Air Filtration. AirPura designed the machine for this type of problem.

With that being said the first thing you need to do is dry things out before the mold gets going. We did mold remediation for several years and saw first hand problems made worse because people left wet carpeting and drywall in a room.

When our house and offices got flooded in hurricane Wilma the first thing we did was video tape the damaged areas to show our insurance company the standing water and then we ripped out all the wet carpeting. At the office the wet drywall was removed (about 49” up from the floor) so air could circulate inside the wall cavity and then we sprayed everything with the Vital Oxide disinfectant spray .  Our air purifiers stayed running the entire time.

Because we did all of this we did not end up having any problems with mold or mildew in either place. The insurance adjuster did not give us a hard time because we had the video to show the damage and in fact was happy because we limited the amount of damage.

Wishing you the best of health,
Mike Krause – Helping Customer Since 1989
800 771-2246

©Copyright 1996-2013 Cee DeeKay,Inc dba™ All Rights Reserved

When To Use Dust Mite Covers That Have A Membrane

Dust mite covers with membranes have been around for a long time. The first covers I can remember were made with a cotton poly blend fabric and rubber membranes. Those covers were heavy and hot to sleep on but no dust mite was going to get in or out of the mattress and they were water proof as well. Then they started to use a vinyl membrane system with the dust mite covers. Just like the rubber membranes, these covers were effective and hot.

I guess it was around 1997 or so we started getting the dust mite covers that used the very thin urethane to created the dust mite barrier. This membrane was fused to several different fabrics including cotton terry, cotton poly, nylon and 100% polyester. Very little has changed in the past 15 years when it comes to membrane allergy barrier fabrics.

When helping our customers select the best dust mite cover for them we always several questions. Are the covers for an adult or child? Is the person sleeping on  the covers a “hot” sleeper? Do the dust mite covers need to be water proof? Is the cover being used on a memory foam mattress or pillow? Are you dealing with bed bugs?

If our customer is purchasing a dust mite cover for a child we suggest they get one with a membrane because they are more durable and waterproof. These are also the covers we recommend for the ones headed off to college because you never know about the mattresses in the dorm.

Customers that need something for bed bugs need to also get the covers with the membrane. Not only are they effective against dust mites and other allergens, they stop bed bugs. The manufacturer of our allergy bedding say you can use a non membrane fabric for bed bugs but I’m not convinced. Better safe than sorry.

Last but not least, a person may buy membrane dust mite covers is because of cost. This especially true when you are covering a lot of beds or beds that are seldom used.

Still not sure. Give us a call and we will help you select the dust mite cover that is best for you.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause
AllergyStore.Com – Helping Our Customers Since 1989
800 771-2246

©Copyright 1996-2013 Cee DeeKay,Inc dba™ All Rights Reserved

Dust Mite Allergy and Mattress Covers

I love it when our customers sleep better.

For years we have been telling them that putting allergy covers on their mattress, pillow and box springs will help them sleep better and they will wake up feeling better. This is something we believe in and pratice in our own home.

But don’t believe me read what Jayne had to say:

Hi Mike,

After putting the allergy bedding covers on our mattress, box spring and pillows, we’re so happy to let you know that our allergies have tremendously subsided.  Every morning my husband would wake up with terrible mucus draining and now that has substantially been reduced and has almost eliminated his morning stomach problem.  Also, our sleep is much more restful and rewarding.  I should have ordered sooner. 
We’re thrilled with the products and are recommending them and your company to friends and family.
Thank you very much and have a great week!
Jayne & Andy
Manahawkin, NJ

Every time we get comments like this from our customers it makes us feel good because we know we are doing something that helps people.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause – Helping Customers Since 1989
800 771-2246

©Copyright 1996-2013 Cee DeeKay,Inc dba™ All Rights Reserved