Bed Bug Mattress Covers

By now you have all read or heard about bed bugs becoming a real problem in the US. For years people associated bed bugs with cheap hotels and seedy inns. If you sat on the mattress the bugs would get you. Not anymore, bed bugs can be found in some of the finest hotels and nicest homes in the country. We have gotten calls from people who brought them home from their vacation or someone in the family travels a good deal and brought home an infestation. No matter how you got bed bugs, they are hard to get rid of because bed bugs get in your mattress, pillows, couch, dresser or any other place they can hide.

One of the most important prevention / treatment for bed bugs is covering your mattress with special bed bug mattress covers. These covers are made so a bed bug can’t chew through the material and get in or out of your mattress. The zippers used in these types of bed bug mattress covers are designed so they can’t crawl through them either.

The Allergy Store now carries a cover designed by pest control experts that has been scientifically proven to stop bed bugs from getting in or out of your mattress. They are made from a polyester stretch knit material with urethane membrane. You can find out more information on the special bed bug mattress covers by clicking on the link below.

Bed Bug Mattress Covers

We have also written a report that tells you more about bed bugs, what they are, were they like to live, how to see if you have them and how to deal with a bed bug infestation. Click on the link below to read the report.

Bed Bugs – Unwanted Guests Quickly Becoming a Major Pest

Hopefully you will never have to deal with bed bugs in your mattress or in your life. If you do this information will help you deal with it.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause – Helping our customers since 1989

©Copyright 1996-2013 Cee DeeKay,Inc dba™ All Rights Reserved

Food Allergies – A comprehensive review of how they affect our children.

How would you feel if all of a sudden you got sick when you ate you favorite food? You know your daughter is allergic to peanuts but got sick when she ate some chocolate chip cookies. Wonder why?

Many people are born with food allergies and other develop them at some point in their life.  As a kid I ate cold watermelon and cantelope like there was no tomorrow. Then one day at summer camp I ate some watermelon and my head blew up like a basketball and I had a real hard time breathing. The doctor said I was allergic to melons and he did not know what triggered it and maybe one day it would go away.  35 years later and I still can’t eat them.

We get lots of calls from people looking for answers, suggestions, tips and help in dealing with food allergies. This is a real problem for parents that have children that have food allergies. As an adult I know what to avoid, but children don’t and friends and relatives don’t either. They don’t understand that the child with the food allergy can get seriously ill by the smallest contact. They can’t believe they can get that sick by eating a chocolate chip cookie that was baked in the same factory as a peanut butter cookie. I had on customer tell me her son got ill from eating food that was packaged in a plant by a peanut farm. The packaging plant did not even package anything with peanuts but the allergens got blown in to the plant.

While we don’t deal with food allergies we are always looking for ways to help our customers. Recently we were sent a copy of “Flourishing With Food Allergies” a really good book about how to help children and their families live with food allergies. It is full of tips on how to handle play dates and birthday parties, making educated discussions about schools, piratical guidance about diets, allergen control and travel so many other helpful topics.

It provide you wonderful tools and resources and is a must read for parents of children with food allergies.

The author, A. Anderson, has two son’s that have had food allergies since birth so she knows what you are going through.

Flourishing with Food Allergies: Social, Emotional and Practical Guidance for Families with Young Children is available from Amazon

Wishing you the best of health
AllergyStore– Helping our customers for 20 years.

HEPA Room Air Cleaners

We get asked every so often why we only carry Austin Air Healthmate and Airpura HEPA air cleaners. The answer is very simple. They work. You turn them on and they suck in the dust and other allergens floating in the air. I don’t agree with consumer reports on this one.

Neither the Austin Air or Airpura air cleaners have any fancy controls, flashing lights or warning noises. All they have is a 3 speed on/off switch. Pretty simple yet very effective. The machines are made from 16 gage steel and have a powder coated finish so there is no out gassing or rattles coming from any plastic. My daughter even uses her air cleaner as a night stand.

The design of the Austin air  and Airpura units is basic. Air is drawn into the unit on all sides of the machine. Then it is drawn through 2 prefilters, activated carbon/zeolite and the the HEPA filter. A couple of the Airpura air cleaners also incorporate UV   as a way to keep the filter free of virus and bacteria. Like I said, simple but effective.

Several brands of air cleaners being sold today use ionization as a way of cleaning the air. All ionization does is make the particles heavy and they drop to the floor or on the furniture.  The air is cleaner until you walk across the floor and then the particles will become airborne again. They float around awhile and then fall again.

Both manufactures stand behind their machines with warranties of 5 to 10 years. I can guarantee you most of the air cleaners being sold today will not last more than 2 years much less 5. We have customers that have had their air cleaners for 15 plus years and they are still going strong.

We can have any air cleaner we want in our home. The only HEPA air cleaner we use are Austin Air Healthmate.  They are simple yet effective. For more general information about air cleaners and air purifiers check out

Wishing you the best of health.
Mike Krause

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