How To Control Allergens on Your Furniture

You just got your test results back and found out you are allergic to dust mites, pollen, and pet dander among other things. Your doctor said he had never seen anyone so allergic, they tell that to everyone…
Now what. You call around and talk to people such as us and we give you some advice such as getting rid of all upholstered furniture, drapes, carpets, and everything else that can hold dust. Great advice but the problem is in most cases it is not cost-effective to toss most of what you own and start over.
Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO

Pets – Cats and Dogs – Have Allergies Too!

When most of us think of allergies usually only people come to mind. We all know someone who has some sort of allergy, to dust mites, pollen, food, grass, etc. Their allergies flair up and they are miserable.
Did you know that your pet can suffer from allergies too? We had a dog named Lady that use to chew her tail raw until we found out she was allergic to the grass in the backyard. We took her to the vet once a month for a shot and it cleared right up. She was happy and so were we.No more being woken up in the night by her chewing.
If you have a pet, cat, or dog, and you think they may have allergies please take a moment to read our article, Cats and Dogs Can Have Allergies Too!
Wishing you and your pets the best of health
Mike Krause – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO

Dust Mite Mattress Cover – Still the Most Effective Weapon in Fighting Dust Mites

I just read an article that said that even though dust mite mattress covers have been proven to be the most effective deterrent against dust mites, only about 1/3 of the people who suffer from allergies use them.

The dust mite mattress covers sold today are not the slippery, hot vinyl some people may remember. Nowadays a good quality allergy cover is either made of a micro-fiber or a semipermeable polyurethane-coated fabric. Both of these fabrics will protect you and your bed from dust mites and do not have to break the bank.

If you are one of the 35 to 40 million people who suffer from dust mite allergies and don’t have your mattress covered I encourage you to do it. A simple dust mite cover can make a huge difference in how you feel in the morning and can reduce medication use and asthma attacks.

For more information on dust mites visit Environment, Safety and Health Online

For a complete selection of dust mite covers visit our site on dust mite covers.

Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause Helping Customers since 1989
800 771-2246