Pets to Prevent Pet Allergy?

It might seem totally against conventional wisdom, but there is research to indicate that if you want to protect your children against allergy, the best thing to do is get them a pet in the first year of life. Read the full study here.  Yes, you can prevent pet allergy by getting your newborn a pet.

That’s right, get a pet in the first year of life to prevent pet allergy!

The Journal of Clinical Allergy and Immunology reports a study that showed that the risk for developing allergies decreased when a dog was in the home during the first year of life. The study took place in Wisconsin and covered a representative demographic of the community.  The allergies studied were not just environmental allergy but food allergy as well.  Odd as it may seem, Ubu prevents food allergy in addition to pet allergy.  Sit Ubu Sit!  Good Dog!

However, the window of opportunity was small.  The dog had to present from birth and the first year of life.

So, don’t let fear of allergies keep you from having a pet and a newborn.  Of course, use common sense.  Don’t leave the baby unattended with a pet and you certainly don’t want the pet licking all over the baby.  That’s just ewwww. Also, supervise baby when it interacts with the pet. No one likes having their tail or fur pulled.

If you are past that one year window and still want a dog, we suggest washing the dog at least monthly in the Pet Plus Shampoo.

If you get a cat, rub it weekly with the Allerpet/C solution to gently denature the allergens and remove any loose fur.  If you didn’t catch my blogpost with the pictures of the cat after the Allerpet, see it here.  That Allerpet was one shiny cat.

Til Next Time!

Allerpet Solutions for Pet Allergies

As a pet owner, (3 cats and 2 birds) I hate it when someone calls and tells me someone is allergic to the cat and the doctor said get rid of it. That’s like tossing out a family member. Getting rid of a family member because of pet allergies is just sad.


allerpet for pet allergiesThere are some people that have such severe pet allergies that they have no choice but to find their pet a new home.  Those are the exceptions, not the rule.  Before you evict Fluffy or Spike, try a few these things first if you can:
  • Keep the pet outside
  • Keep the pet out of the bedroom
  • Wash the bedding and anything else they get on
  • Treat them with Allerpet Solutions, Allerpet/C for cats and Allerpet/D for dogs. Allerpet Solutions gets rid of the dander and harmful allergens without hurting the pet.
  • Wash the dog, I will not try to wash my cats, with a good shampoo
  • Use HEPA air cleaners
  • Wipe down furniture and walls. Dander floats and sticks to everything
  • Get rid of rugs and carpeting or treat it
These are just a few suggestions that we have gotten from our customers over the years.
Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO

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