As a pet owner, (3 cats and 2 birds) I hate it when someone calls and tells me someone is allergic to the cat and the doctor said get rid of it. That’s like tossing out a family member. Getting rid of a family member because of pet allergies is just sad.

- Keep the pet outside
- Keep the pet out of the bedroom
- Wash the bedding and anything else they get on
- Treat them with Allerpet Solutions, Allerpet/C for cats and Allerpet/D for dogs. Allerpet Solutions gets rid of the dander and harmful allergens without hurting the pet.
- Wash the dog, I will not try to wash my cats, with a good shampoo
- Use HEPA air cleaners
- Wipe down furniture and walls. Dander floats and sticks to everything
- Get rid of rugs and carpeting or treat it
These are just a few suggestions that we have gotten from our customers over the years.
Wishing you the best of health
Mike Krause – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO
Mike Krause – Serving Customers Since 1989
800 771-ACHOO
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