Suprising News about Buckwheat Pillows

I have been hearing quite a bit about buckwheat pillows lately.  I talk to people with allergies that swear by them as an alternative to a feather pillow. I thought I would investigate to see if this is an item that we should carry.  What I found amazed me.

While this information is not new, it is sure new to me.  Turns out that  buckwheat pillows are about the last thing you want to sleep on if you have dust mite allergies.

Several studies have been done, but the one that just knocked the dust mite cover off my pillow was the one done in Korea in 2004.

Buckwheat pillows are very popular in Korea.  Researchers from Korea and New Zealand decided to see if these buckwheat pillows were better for people with allergies.

Thirteen pairs of pillows (one synthetic and one buckwheat) were given to thirteen volunteers. Both pillows went on the bed with the volunteer.  Dust samples were taken from the beds before the pillows were put on the bed.

Endotoxin, a pro-inflammatory compound from cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria, was found to be present in slightly higher levels in the new buckwheat pillows.  After three months, the pillows were tested.

The levels of endotoxins were significantly higher in the buckwheat pillows. Since endotoxin has been linked to asthma, this does not bode well for the chances of buckwheat pillows finding their way into The Allergy Store.  You can read the study for yourself at

The bottom line is that if you have allergies, you should not have a buckwheat pillow. If you want a soft pillow, I suggest the Luxury Down Alternative Pillow.  This pillow is a synthetic gel fiber.  If you are convinced that you must sleep with an endotoxin-laden buckwheat pillow, then cover it with a Dust Mite Proof Pillow Cover.


The Allergy Store
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4 Replies to “Suprising News about Buckwheat Pillows”

  1. Hi
    I have read this article and like to point out that the buckwheat used in the pillows apears to come from a source where the wheat used was not cleaned . Perhaps if you research this would change the outcome, kind regards

    1. Sabrina:
      We don’t believe that buckwheat pillows are a good alternative for people with allergies. Perhaps if you read through again you will discover that we agree with you, buckwheat pillows can be a problem. If you want a soft pillow, try down alternative!

  2. I have used a buckwheat pillow for nearly ten years now. I love it and I can’t imagine going back to a traditional pillow; however, I’ve noticed a strange thing in recent months..

    Whenever I consume buckwheat, within a few hours I start to experience histamine type welts on my wrists, arms and hands. They are not many, just a few, but they itch like crazy.

    I had some buckwheat porridge today, mindful to the fact that this could happen again, and I’ve been proven right. As I type this, I have a few itchy welts on my wrist.

    I never used to have a problem consuming buckwheat, so I’m dismayed. I’m avoiding gluten and buckwheat is useful for filling the gap.

    It makes me wonder if having a buckwheat pillow has started this.

    1. I’ve developed a buckwheat allergy since using the pillow for years. I’ve been in the emergency room three times over the past 10 years and now I have an EpiPen. I wish I never would have purchased this pillow years ago.

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