How to Measure for Dust Mite Covers

Today brought questions from two different customers about what size dust mite cover they should purchase.  People frequently ask how to measure for dust mite covers.

The first gentleman had a mattress that was 10″ deep and wasn’t sure if he should buy the 9″ dust mite cover or the 12″ dust mite cover.  He was trying to save a little money (aren’t we all) and didn’t want to buy the deeper cover if he didn’t need it.measure dust mite covers properly for best fit

I asked him to verify his measurements, measuring from the bottom of the mattress to the top side of the mattress. Turns out it was a little over 10″ deep.

He did the right thing by purchasing the 12″ deep dust mite cover.  Your dust mite cover can have 2 to 3 extra inches in depth and still give a good fit. Just tuck the extra fabric under the corner and it will be held in place by your fitted sheet. You don’t want to buy a dust mite cover that is so tight it strains the seams and that you tear either the fabric, the seam, or the zipper in the dust mite cover just trying to get it on!

The second customer was a lady that wanted to know if she could measure for her dust mite cover by measuring the mattress and boxspring together.  Aside from the fact that she would have needed a dust mite cover over 20″ inches deep….she would have never been able to get both a boxspring and a mattress in one dust mite cover.

We suggested that she use the SMS fabric on her boxsprings.  It saved her some money and she will get all the protection she needs from a dust mite cover for her boxspring without the vinyl smell.

If you are ever unsure as to what size to purchase, just get out your measuring tape and then give us a call.  We will be glad to help you measure for dust mite covers.

Cheryl Krause

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The Answer Is YES! Allergy Covers Will Help You Sleep Better.

One of our new customers was asking if I really thought she would get a better nights sleep if she used some of our allergy covers .

I answered without any hesitation, YES.

zippered allergy covers stop dust mitesNow some of you may be thinking ” Of course he would say yes just so he could sell her stuff”. Those that know us know that is not how we operate at the Allergy Store. We only sell what we use and know works.  Allergy covers work if you have dust mite allergies!

Our line of allergy bedding including mattress and pillow covers are recommended by doctors as one of the most effective methods in reducing the allergens from dust mites in the bedroom. Even if you covered your mattress in a plastic bag it would give you some relief. Hot as all get out but it would stop the dust mites.

Wishing you the best of health

Mike Krause

800 771-2246


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Allergy Mattress Covers and Mattress Covers Are Different

There are mattress covers and then there are allergy mattress covers . What is the difference?

A mattress cover is designed to protect the mattress from spills, soil, sweat and the oils from your skin that can come through the sheets.  The regular mattress cover is on the bed to protect the mattress from you.

The allergy mattress cover is on the bed to protect you from all the allergens that collect in your mattress.

The traditional mattress cover may be made of cotton or some sort of cotton blend. Some are zippered and others fitted. Sometimes, people will even put a vinyl cover on the mattress to give water-proof protection.  Great for the mattress, not so great for the person trying to sleep on the mattress. Vinyl makes noise when the you move move or shifts and because water vapor can build up under the cover it makes for very hot  sleeping. Read rest of article on allergy mattress covers. 



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