Out Damn Spot – Part 2 Remove Red Wine Stains

Not too long ago, I blogged about how I used Oxy-Boost to get a stain that had to have been set for two years.  Well I just had another stain incident and I needed to remove red wine stains.

Well the good news is that this time I caught my hubby’s stain quick, the better news is I thought to grab the camera so I could document the results, and the best news is that the stain was removed quickly and completely.

Here is a pic of my husband’s khaki shorts with a red wine stain (hey we are in South Florida and we wear a lot of khaki)use oxyboost to remove red wine stains

I found the stain on Sunday and he obtained the stain the previous Saturday evening.  So this is what I did to remove the red wine stains:

I mixed one ounce of Molly’s Oxygen Whitener with water that I had microwaved for 2 minutes on high. You don’t have to microwave the water to get it hot, I just feel guilty standing at the sink watching all that water run down the drain while I wait to get hot water from the tap. Somewhere along the line, I have rationalized that I am saving resources by using the electricity to zap the water to get it hot….but I digress.

soak in oxyboost to remove red wine stainsInto the hot water went the Oxy-Boost, into the hot water and Molly’s Oxygen Whitener mixture went the leg of the shorts that had the stain.  It began to foam right away

I did a few chores around the house and came back to check on it about 10 minutes later.  The foaming had stopped.  I held my breath (red wine is an ugly stain to try to remove) and slowly removed the fabric.  Just like magic the stain was gone.

Of course it isn’t magic. It is the amazing cleaning power of sodium percarbonate.  Oxy-Boost doesn’t use any fillers so that is why you don’t need much and it works quickly.  Oxy-Boost will remove red wine stains, grass stains, blood stains, and any other organic stains.

Since I already had a load of white bed sheets in the washer with some De-Mite laundry additive I just tossed the shorts in.  They finished the cycle and went into the dryer.

When I took them out they were free of stains and dust mites to boot!
Don’t take my word….see for yourselfremove red wine stains completely

So if you are going to have stains….you better have some Molly’s Oxygen Whitener around the house.

Til next time

The Allergy Store

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